Do your family a favor.

Use Doberman App.

Privacy-First gate management for your housing society.

No Ads. No Nonsense. Free.

What The FAQ's

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What is Doberman App?

Doberman is a gate and visitor management app for your housing society.

Doberman is built ground up to be totally private, secure, and ad-free.

Doberman does not share or sell your information.

Why Doberman App?

Fixing Your Privacy Erosion.

Current visitor management apps have normalised the collection of vast amounts of personal data belonging to your home and family members. This data is peddled to the highest bidders to serve you ads and sell you services.

Your control over your home and family's privacy is slowly being chipped away. Your home is your last bastion of privacy. Doberman helps you keep it that way.


Doberman App focuses on just a few features done really well.

  • Delivery Personnel management.
  • Guest/Visitor management.
  • House Help management.
  • QR based beat/patrol management. (coming soon)
  • Vehicle Entry/Exit management. (coming soon)

There are 3 variants of the app

  • Security Personnel App.
  • Resident App.
  • Admin App.

Only a Resident can be an Admin.

The Security Personnel variant does not have access to residents information. We recommend mobile devices used by security personnel be further protected via MDM or Google Family Link. You can read more here.

How much does it cost?

Doberman App is FREE. 

We hope to be proven wrong but we do not expect more than a handful of housing societies to use Doberman App. We do not have the bandwidth to go around convincing people to use it. If you are reading this, it means you have discovered Doberman App. We'd be more than happy to onboard your housing society.

Why Free? How Free?

We know a thing or two how to squeeze the juice out of servers and our developer time is voluntary. So our costs are just a couple of beers a month - low enough to even bother charging you.

We do not have the burden of venture capital. We have no growth targets or milestones to hit. That gives us immense independence and we intend to keep it that way.

Getting started.

Doberman App involves a simple onboarding process before your housing society can use it. We’d like to onboard housing societies that are genuinely interested in protecting the privacy of their residents.

The first step is to fill this short form to let us know you are interested. The second step is to catch hold of a tech-savvy person within your society and attach him to us to complete the onboarding process.

The whole process should take about two hours.

Want Doberman for your society?